Tuesday, February 19, 2013

First Team Tech Talk

Last week I participated in my first TTT! I thought this was a great experience. I learned more about flipping the classroom by teaching it to someone else that I did when I was just reading about it. Some things that I learned about it is that there can be a LOT of down time for the teachers if the students do not need any help. I don't know about the rest of my team but this kind of caught me off guard! Despite being sick that day, I had a lot of fun with my team and I look forward to being able to work with them again on our next TTT on Twitter :) On another technology note, I have recently given up Facebook for Lent and it is KILLING me!!! Since last Wednesday (when Lent began) I have found myself on Pinterest much more. I guess Pinterest is now my number one way to waste time. :) Tomorrow will mark one whole week without Facebook and I think I do fine as long as I say busy. Anyway, I guess I will post progress reports for myself on here until Easter!

1 comment:

  1. The downtime comment is interesting. The "I'm so busy" part of me thinks that I would want to bring things to do to the classroom, but I think that's probably realistic because you're still going to be glancing around the classroom, monitoring activity. I imagine you'd be more busy in a larger classroom, with more students to help. I suppose you just plunk yourself down and listen to a group for a little, then move on? Or I wonder if there are advantages (for you and them) if you have specific things for them to cover to bringing them back together after just shorter intervals of time, so the class progresses together? Interesting. This is going to stick with me- great point!
