Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Now here is a topic I can get into, PINTEREST! Sometimes when I find these time-sucking sites I wonder what we did before there were such things to waste our time on. :) For the class that I am teaching now, I think bookmarking could become a small part of the class. The students have to participate in a service learning project of their choosing. I thought it might be neat to use pinterest for the service learning projects that would allow them to implement something crafty with what they are doing. Like if one group chooses to work with children in some capacity, this would be a great opportunity for them to find some bookmarks on Pinterest and use them when they are working with the kids. Obviously this idea is not fully developed but I think this would be a great way to incorporate some of the things we do in every day life, like "pinning", into the classroom and learning environment.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

When I think about teaching with technology...

... I think about being frustrated. It unnerves me to think of all of the potential problems there could be when teaching with technology. As an educator, I try to not rely, solely, on technology and to always have a back up plan if things are not cooperating that day. On the other hand, I think that technology is a great way to bring the "here and now" into the classroom and with the incorportation of social media into the curriculum, we can help bridge the gap between the students' lives in the classroom and out of the classroom. I am excited to get to work with a great group of people when it comes to our team tech talks and learn more about flipping the classroom and twitter. I think our class can all learn from these topics and it will be fun to work with the group of people I have been assigned to.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

EDHI 9040

So I will be completely honest, I am totally new to blogging and am not comfortable with most technology. I enrolled in this class in order to hopefully become more comfortable in the technical world in hopes to improve my teaching and become a more marketable individual on the job search! I am a native of Arkansas and am happy to be in Georgia furthering my education. I'm not quite sure what else to put on here but I hope to improve as a blogger as the semester progresses.